Friday, July 8, 2011

3MB web server with php, and database included

here is 3 things you need

1) Mangoose Its 128KB web browser.
2) PHP dll and ini for windows. usually 2MB.
3) SQLite3 dll and configs usually 300KB.

on top of that your db and php/html file around 200KB and you are ready to rock with whole webserver with php and database in your it configure it..and keep database ...i did it as my pilot project in 2 hour for my wife where she needs to write patient notes and save, and read it wherever she wants.

here's the screenshots
a) The form

b) the results

Friday, November 19, 2010

My Dream Car

I just wonder if somehow i can manage to have Leyden jar (a device that stores static electricity) as my battery pack and can manage somehow drains in days rather in seconds as it happens with static electricity.

One of the worlds biggest problem of energy crises and loosing valuable materials in terms of battery could be solved.

A Tesla car needs about 1000 pounds of battery to get you 250 miles per charge, same capacity can be achieved just by about 20-100 pounds of capacitive battery (i am using the term don't know it exist.).

What does this mean....A very lightweight, supper efficient and long lasting, lifetime (25 years) charge discharge cycle of car. What more can you ask.

Well...Considering all this, electric plane and rocket wont be difficult to imagine for flying sort distance and ...may be dreaming about flying car wont be bad idea :))

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Review Windows Phone 7 and Samsung Galaxy Tab

Just had chance to play with windows phone 7 and galaxy tab,

I played with windows phone 7 on 3 different platform(different hardware mfg--Samsung, HTC and LG), all are excellent super quick response and pretty good navigation. If i would choose WP7 vs iphone i will miss lot of apps.. otherwise pretty good contender to Google android and iphone.

Galaxy Tab,
1) Pricey ---its not worth anything above 350$ ...take it..50$ more if 3G without contract.

2) Resolution:- Very bad, I dint buy iPad for this reason and camera and i will not consider its Samsung should put that resolution.

3) Size:- I thought 7 inch could be ideal ...for male i dont think so, for female it can fit lots of purses ...but cant trade with other smartphone you have.

Strongly recommend checkout galaxy tab before buying....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

COA - Cloud Oriented Architecture -- Who's First

Heard cloud computing too much, wait new things coming ..combining SOA, Cloud computing, SAAS and some other term player mixed there could be COA :)
--more later

Catch them doing it Right vs Wrong

Working with so many organization for past 11 years have given me opportunity to see many managers and leaders behavior to award a team member.

Comparative study can tell you mostly same story...

Its very easy to spot a team member doing something wrong or mistakes, because people do feel its their right to give that news to others :)

At the same time when you see team members doing things right, telling it to someone feels like you are giving something from your pocket :(

Lot of manager, leaders, team leads, seniors and superior may feel good about some weakness in team member so they can feel superior to them or when their is opportunity to negotiate then can use this as tool.

Wrong things carry forwards your names almost everywhere, doing right things could end as soon as you leave the place/team.

Not recognizing the effective behavior of each team member apparently can be bad recognition of a manager as well, example ..I got grocery gift card...and i felt negotiated :(.

Manager should never take the responsibility of appraisal unless you are really aware of your team member, don't do it just because you are manager or you have the authority to do it, its not one of your calender event, its someones recognition you are providing.

Get the to know team by team members not by team lead if you are manager.

Be the first one to recognize, It helps in your recognition to your boss, don't be scared someday someone will catch someone doing wrong will hamper your recognition.

Rest more later....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Business vs Energy consumption in USA

Energy consumption can be major indicate economic wellbeing and business its also a population density and many more.

Have a close look

Business happening at in a day

Energy Consumption

Bussiness of Social Networking

Trend of social networking has been constantly evolving, and it’s becoming more and more close to groups, colleagues, friends and family, most of these has been doing pretty well. One thing is still needs improvement social network for business. Here is my category and analysis:

Facebook:--Friends, family and colleagues, and groups, on the business side mostly internet marketing and too much of Viagra and stupid games.

Twiter: Friends, family and colleagues: on the business side mostly events and small news, and announcements.

Linkdin: colleagues, alumni and groups, on the business side mostly profiles/resume and jobs.

I mentioned above because they are leaders and rest on either trying one of above things or not heard.

What really business needs from Social networking:

Stay tuned for answer :)