Monday, November 15, 2010

My Review Windows Phone 7 and Samsung Galaxy Tab

Just had chance to play with windows phone 7 and galaxy tab,

I played with windows phone 7 on 3 different platform(different hardware mfg--Samsung, HTC and LG), all are excellent super quick response and pretty good navigation. If i would choose WP7 vs iphone i will miss lot of apps.. otherwise pretty good contender to Google android and iphone.

Galaxy Tab,
1) Pricey ---its not worth anything above 350$ ...take it..50$ more if 3G without contract.

2) Resolution:- Very bad, I dint buy iPad for this reason and camera and i will not consider its Samsung should put that resolution.

3) Size:- I thought 7 inch could be ideal ...for male i dont think so, for female it can fit lots of purses ...but cant trade with other smartphone you have.

Strongly recommend checkout galaxy tab before buying....

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